f=9/5 c+32 solve for c

This is your conversion formula from Celsius to Fahrenheit.

f=9/5 c+32
F - 32 = 9/5 c
multiply by 5
5F - 160 = 9c
divide each term by 9
(5F - 160)/ = c
c = (5/9)(F - 32)

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To solve for c in the equation f = (9/5)c + 32, we need to isolate the variable c.

Step 1: Begin by subtracting 32 from both sides of the equation:
f - 32 = (9/5)c

Step 2: To remove the fraction, multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of 9/5, which is 5/9:
(5/9)(f - 32) = c

Step 3: Simplify the equation:
c = (5/9)(f - 32)

Now you have the solution for c in terms of f.