What courses can I do at university for a degree with these subjects including English, Life Orientation, Afrikaans.

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To find out the courses you can do at university for a degree that includes the subjects English, Life Orientation, and Afrikaans, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by identifying the degree you are interested in pursuing. This could be a Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BSc), or any other degree program.

2. Once you have decided on a degree, visit the websites of different universities to explore their academic programs. Most universities have an online undergraduate prospectus that provides detailed information about the courses they offer.

3. Look for undergraduate programs within the Faculty of Humanities or Faculty of Social Sciences, as these faculties typically offer courses in subjects like English, Life Orientation, and Afrikaans.

4. Check the course requirements for each program to see if the subjects you mentioned are included or if there are any specific subject requirements for admission.

5. Make a list of the courses within those programs that align with your interests and the subjects you mentioned. Pay attention to the course descriptions, prerequisites, and credit requirements.

6. Consult with university advisors or admissions offices if you have specific questions or need more information about the degree programs or entry requirements.

Remember, the availability of courses and specific program requirements may vary between universities, so it's important to research multiple institutions to find the one that best suits your interests and career goals.