Give two planning steps for an investigation to test the hypothesis formulated in question 1.1

question 1.1????

Step1: make observations

Step2: formulate a hypothesis

To plan an investigation to test the hypothesis formulated in question 1.1, you need to consider several steps. Here are two key planning steps:

1. Designing the Experimental Method:
- Identify Variables: Determine the independent variable (the factor that will be manipulated) and the dependent variable (the factor that will be measured or observed).
- Develop Control Measures: Establish control groups or conditions to ensure a fair and accurate comparison. This helps eliminate confounding variables that could affect the results.
- Decide Sample Size: Determine the appropriate sample size based on statistical power requirements and the variability of the data.
- Select Measurement Tools: Decide on the appropriate instruments or methods to collect data accurately. For example, if you are testing a hypothesis related to temperature, you might use a thermometer for measurement.

2. Implementing the Experimental Procedure:
- Create a Timeline: Develop a detailed outline of the steps needed to conduct the investigation, from the preparation stages to data collection and analysis.
- Allocate Resources: Determine the resources required for the investigation, such as research materials, equipment, human resources, and budget.
- Ethical Considerations: Ensure that the investigation follows ethical guidelines and protects the rights and well-being of participants or subjects involved.
- Anticipate Potential Challenges: Identify any potential limitations, risks, or obstacles that may arise during the investigation and plan accordingly.

These planning steps will help lay a strong foundation for conducting a valid and reliable investigation to test the hypothesis formulated in question 1.1. Remember to be thorough, systematic, and ensure that the experiment is designed to address the specific components of the hypothesis.

List any four steps four this investigation