What was the effect of the Embargo Act of 1807?

A) Southern plantation owners were made rich due to the taxation of foreign cotton.
B) Northern merchants suffered from having to compete with European goods.
C) Heavy taxation on imported British goods led to an increase in the national surplus.
D) Trade between the United States and Europe halted, devastating the American economy.

I think the answer is either B or D,
But I am not sure about D because in my reading another act, I cannot remember the name of it, it was put into place after the Embargo one, where it said that both the Embargo Act and the new act had caused the American economy to be destroyed.

The answer is B

According to the test its

B) Northern merchants suffered from having to compete with European goods

The correct answer is D) Trade between the United States and Europe halted, devastating the American economy.

The Embargo Act of 1807 was a law signed by President Thomas Jefferson that prohibited American ships from trading with foreign nations. This act primarily targeted Britain and France, who were at war at the time. The goal was to avoid being dragged into the conflict and to pressure the European powers into respecting American neutrality.

However, the act had unintended consequences. Instead of hurting Britain and France, it ended up hurting American merchants and farmers. American exporters lost their markets, leading to a decline in agricultural and industrial production. Many merchants faced bankruptcy since they could not trade with their traditional partners in Europe.

The Embargo Act had a disproportionate impact on the northern states, which had strong trading ties with Europe. New England, in particular, relied heavily on trade, and its merchants suffered greatly from the halt in exports and imports. Southern plantation owners, on the other hand, were less affected as their primary crop, cotton, was in high demand and not heavily reliant on foreign markets.

Ultimately, the Embargo Act was widely criticized for its negative impact on the American economy, and it was repealed in 1809. The subsequent Non-Intercourse Act was implemented in its place, which limited trade only with Britain and France.

To determine the effect of the Embargo Act of 1807, let's go through each option:

A) Southern plantation owners were made rich due to the taxation of foreign cotton.
There is no evidence to suggest that the Embargo Act of 1807 made Southern plantation owners rich. In fact, this act aimed to restrict trade with foreign nations, including the export of American goods, which would have had a negative impact on plantation owners relying on foreign markets.

C) Heavy taxation on imported British goods led to an increase in the national surplus.
The Embargo Act of 1807 was not associated with heavy taxation on imported British goods. It aimed to halt trade with foreign nations altogether, rather than imposing specific tariffs or taxes on imported goods.

B) Northern merchants suffered from having to compete with European goods.
This option is more plausible. The Embargo Act of 1807, which prohibited trade with Europe, would have been detrimental to Northern merchants who relied on European trade and imported goods. It severely restricted business opportunities for them and disrupted their commerce relationships.

D) Trade between the United States and Europe halted, devastating the American economy.
This option is also accurate. The main consequence of the Embargo Act of 1807 was the halt of trade between the United States and Europe. This had a devastating effect on the American economy, as merchants faced significant losses, unemployment rose, and the balance of trade was disrupted. The act ultimately proved to be ineffective and was repealed in 1809 due to its detrimental impact on the economy.

Given the information provided, options B and D seem to be the most plausible. However, based on your additional information about another act leading to the destruction of the American economy, it is important to consider the broader context and potential relationship between the two acts. Without further details or the name of the act you mentioned, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer.