Triangle PQR has vertices P(3,5), Q(-2,6) and R(8,-1). give the coordinates of the vertices after the translation

(x,y) = (x + 4, y - 5).

P'( , )
Q'( , )
R( , )

help please no idea

Sure, I can help! To apply the translation (x,y) = (x + 4, y - 5) to the coordinates of each vertex:

For vertex P(3,5):
P'(3+4, 5-5) = P'(7, 0)

For vertex Q(-2,6):
Q'(-2+4, 6-5) = Q'(2, 1)

For vertex R(8,-1):
R'(8+4, -1-5) = R'(12, -6)

So, after applying the translation, the coordinates of the vertices are:

P'(7, 0)
Q'(2, 1)
R'(12, -6)

To find the coordinates of the vertices after the translation, you need to apply the translation rule of adding 4 to the x-coordinate and subtracting 5 from the y-coordinate for each vertex.

Let's start with vertex P(3,5):

x-coordinate after translation = 3 + 4 = 7
y-coordinate after translation = 5 - 5 = 0

So, the coordinates for P' after the translation are (7, 0).

Next, let's find the coordinates for vertex Q(-2,6):

x-coordinate after translation = -2 + 4 = 2
y-coordinate after translation = 6 - 5 = 1

So, the coordinates for Q' after the translation are (2, 1).

Finally, let's find the coordinates for vertex R(8,-1):

x-coordinate after translation = 8 + 4 = 12
y-coordinate after translation = -1 - 5 = -6

So, the coordinates for R' after the translation are (12, -6).

Therefore, the coordinates of the vertices after the translation are:

P'(7, 0)
Q'(2, 1)
R'(12, -6)

Q'( 2, 1)

R'(12, -6)


I will do the first, you do the others.

(x,y) = (x + 4, y - 5)
(3,5) = (3+4, 5-5) = (7,0)

see how easy it is?