How has South Carolina changed politically since the 1970s?

A) County governments were eliminated
B) Race has become the most important political issue
C) The Democratic Party has gained more power in the state
D) The Republican Party has gained more power in the state***

I think it's D but I'm not sure, I can't afford to get a bad grade at this point. Help

Yes, D.


You're welcome.

To answer the question on how South Carolina has changed politically since the 1970s, let's evaluate each statement in the given answer choices:

A) County governments were eliminated: This statement is incorrect. County governments still exist in South Carolina, and there is no evidence indicating their elimination.

B) Race has become the most important political issue: Although race remains a significant and complex issue in South Carolina's political landscape, it is not accurate to say that it has become the most important political issue. Other issues such as the economy, healthcare, education, and social welfare also play crucial roles in politics.

C) The Democratic Party has gained more power in the state: This statement is not accurate. In fact, since the 1970s, the Democratic Party has experienced a decline in power and influence in South Carolina.

D) The Republican Party has gained more power in the state: Correct! Since the 1970s, the Republican Party has made significant gains in South Carolina. The state has shifted from being predominantly Democratic to being strongly Republican. Republicans have consistently won the majority of statewide offices, including the governorship and U.S. Senate seats.

Therefore, it is indeed option D, "The Republican Party has gained more power in the state," that accurately describes the political change in South Carolina since the 1970s.