1. Which of the following passages from the novel best illustrates the most extreme hostility between the Chinese and American communities in San Francisco?

A: An American man raises his voice when he suspects Windrider and Moon Shadow do not understand English

B: Uncle refuses to let Moon Shadow collect money anywhere outside the tang community.

C: A brick is thrown through the front window of the Company on Moon Shadow’s first night.

D: Moon Shadow’s grandfather dies on a fight defending himself when others try to cut off his queue.

I was thinking D or B, can someone PLEASE help me?

what are the answers

The passage that best illustrates the most extreme hostility between the Chinese and American communities in San Francisco is option C: A brick is thrown through the front window of the Company on Moon Shadow’s first night. This act of vandalism shows explicit aggression towards the Chinese community and indicates the strong animosity between the two groups.

To determine which passage from the novel best illustrates the most extreme hostility between the Chinese and American communities in San Francisco, let's analyze the options provided.

Option A describes an American man raising his voice when suspecting Windrider and Moon Shadow do not understand English. While this may indicate some tension or prejudice, it does not demonstrate the most extreme hostility.

Option B states that Uncle refuses to let Moon Shadow collect money anywhere outside the tang community. This passage does highlight the segregation and mistrust between the Chinese and American communities, but it may not represent the most extreme hostility.

Option C mentions a brick being thrown through the front window of the Company on Moon Shadow's first night. This act of vandalism shows hostility towards the Chinese community, but it does not necessarily involve direct conflict or violence between the Chinese and American communities.

Option D reveals that Moon Shadow's grandfather died in a fight while defending himself when others try to cut off his queue. This passage demonstrates not only the hostility but also the physical violence and discrimination faced by the Chinese community in San Francisco.

Based on the analysis, passage D seems to illustrate the most extreme hostility between the Chinese and American communities in San Francisco.

I think it's either C or D. C illustrates the most violence between communities.