Which of the following suffixes is mostly found in adjectives?


I honestly do not know which one it could be. I'm tossing between b and c. What am I missing? Thanks in advance

I don't know of any rule -- but here are some words --

defiant, reliant -- adjectives
independence -- noun
defiance, reliance -- nouns

Yes, -ant was correct thank you so much Ms. Sue!!

You are very welcome dbh.

To determine which of the suffixes -ant, -ence, or -ance is commonly found in adjectives, we need to understand the general patterns of these suffixes and their word formations.

First, let's break down the meanings of these suffixes:

- The suffix "-ant" typically denotes someone or something performing an action, for example: "brilliant" (someone who is being brilliant) or "observant" (someone who is being observant).

- The suffix "-ence" is most commonly used to form nouns, and it represents a state or quality. For example, "confidence" refers to the state or quality of being confident.

- The suffix "-ance" is also commonly used to form nouns, and it indicates an action, process, or state. For example, "vigilance" refers to the action or state of being vigilant.

Now, let's focus on adjectives. Adjectives are words that typically describe or modify nouns. They express characteristics, qualities, or states of the nouns they describe.

Based on the information provided, it is clear that the suffixes -ence and -ance are mostly used for noun formations. On the other hand, the suffix -ant is commonly used to form adjectives. For example, "brilliant" and "observant" are adjectives ending with -ant.

Therefore, the correct answer is "-ant" as it is the suffix most frequently found in adjectives.