How did workers in washington respond to economic and political changes in the state in the late 1800s and early 1900s

Ms. Sue is like the most unhelpful MF on this site

alright does anyone actually have the answer?

To find information about how workers in Washington responded to economic and political changes in the late 1800s and early 1900s, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a search using reliable sources such as academic databases, historical archives, or reputable websites. Use search terms such as "workers in Washington state late 1800s," "economic changes in Washington state early 1900s," or "political changes in Washington state during the late 19th and early 20th centuries."

2. Look for primary sources like newspapers, letters, or diaries from that time period. These often provide firsthand accounts and perspectives of workers and their responses to the changes. Check if any archives or libraries have digitized collections that you can access online.

3. Explore scholarly articles or books written by historians or researchers specializing in labor history, industrialization, or economic and political developments in Washington state during the specified time period. These sources will offer more detailed analyses and interpretations of worker responses.

4. Additionally, look for labor union records, publications, or testimonies from workers' organizations that were active during that time. Trade unions and worker associations played a significant role in shaping workers' responses to economic and political changes.

5. It may also be helpful to investigate any significant events, strikes, or labor movements in Washington state during the late 1800s and early 1900s. These events often reflect the responses and actions taken by workers to address their concerns.

By following these research steps, you should be able to gather relevant information about how workers in Washington responded to economic and political changes during the specified time period. Remember to critically evaluate the sources you come across and cross-reference information to ensure accuracy and reliability.