The substances listed on the left side of a chemical equation are the _____.



im sayin a but not sure

so it would be c

thanks "eee"

reactants are on the left, products on the right.

yes, c. you can just google chemical equation and it should say the same thing I said, just in case you need more proof.

If we have A+B=C+D

We got that n(A)=n(C) or n(D),
But is n(A)=n(B)?

The substances listed on the left side of a chemical equation are the reactants. In a chemical equation, the reactants are the starting materials that undergo a chemical reaction to form products. The products, on the other hand, are the substances formed as a result of the reaction and are listed on the right side of the equation.

To determine the correct answer, you can recall the basic structure of a chemical equation. The reactants are always listed on the left side, while the products are listed on the right side. Therefore, the answer in this case would be C. reactants.