What is the probability of rolling a number less than or equal to 6 when a six-side number cube?

since every number on such a cube is less than or equal to six, there's nothing else you can roll.

P(<=6) = 1

What are your answers

My Answer would be a 1% outcome of rolling on 6

Disagree with anonymous. Agree with oobleck.

To answer this question, we need to understand the concept of probability and the number of favorable outcomes compared to the total number of possible outcomes.

The probability of an event is defined as the number of favorable outcomes divided by the total number of possible outcomes.

In this case, a six-sided number cube has the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 written on its faces. We want to know the probability of rolling a number less than or equal to 6.

The favorable outcomes in this case are the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, which are all the possible results of the roll.

The total number of possible outcomes is the number of faces on the cube, which is 6.

Therefore, the probability of rolling a number less than or equal to 6 on a six-sided number cube is given by:

Number of favorable outcomes / Total number of possible outcomes = 6 / 6 = 1

Thus, the probability is equal to 1 or 100%.