Can you use inequalities to figure out this coded word?

For each problem

Solve and graph the combined inequality.

State whether the combined inequality is a conjunction or disjunction and explain why.

Determine which letter is in the solution set to use in the code word.
Be sure to use at least two module vocabulary words in your responses.

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Yes, inequalities can be used to figure out a coded word. To do so, follow these steps:

1. Solve and graph the combined inequality: Start by analyzing the inequalities given in the problem. Combine them if necessary and solve the resulting inequality. This will give you a range of possible values for the variable involved.

2. State whether the combined inequality is a conjunction or disjunction: A conjunction is an inequality where the variable satisfies both conditions simultaneously, while a disjunction is an inequality where the variable satisfies at least one of the conditions. Determine which type of inequality you have based on the range of values obtained in step 1.

3. Determine which letter is in the solution set to use in the code word: Examine the original problem to identify which specific letter is associated with the variable in the solution set. This letter will be used as part of the code word.

By following these steps, you can use inequalities to figure out the coded word based on the given instructions. Remember to integrate at least two module vocabulary words, such as "conjunction" and "disjunction," in your explanations.