7. In which sentence about A Christmas Carol is the word meager used correctly?

A. The Ghost of Christmas Future used his meager finger to point to Scrooge’s tombstone.
B. Scrooge gave Adam a meager amount of money to reward him for buying an enormous turkey.
C. Scrooge’s donations to the Portly Man and the poor were rich and meager.
D. The Cratchits were unable to pay for Tiny Tim’s medical treatment on a meager salary.<<<<<<<<

8. Whose attitude toward Scrooge is the most severe?
A. Marley's
B. Bob Cratchit's
C. the Ghost of Christmas Present's
D. Mrs. Cratchit's<<<<<<<<

I agree with both your answers.

thank you so much

You are very welcome.

To determine the correct answer to question 7, we need to understand the meaning of the word "meager" and how it is used in the context of the sentence.

The word "meager" means lacking in quantity or quality, often implying scarcity or insufficiency. In the context of the sentence, we are looking for a usage that accurately reflects this meaning.

Let's analyze each sentence option:

A. "The Ghost of Christmas Future used his meager finger to point to Scrooge’s tombstone."

In this sentence, the word "meager" is used incorrectly. The word "meager" does not typically describe a body part, so this option is incorrect.

B. "Scrooge gave Adam a meager amount of money to reward him for buying an enormous turkey."

In this sentence, the word "meager" is used correctly. It describes the amount of money as being insufficient or lacking in quantity, which matches the meaning of the word.

C. "Scrooge’s donations to the Portly Man and the poor were rich and meager."

In this sentence, the word "meager" is used incorrectly. The word "meager" contradicts "rich" and is not suitable in this context, making this option incorrect.

D. "The Cratchits were unable to pay for Tiny Tim’s medical treatment on a meager salary."

In this sentence, the word "meager" is used correctly. It describes the salary as being insufficient or lacking in quantity, which accurately reflects the meaning of the word.

Based on our analysis, the correct sentence using the word "meager" is option B: "Scrooge gave Adam a meager amount of money to reward him for buying an enormous turkey."

Now let's move on to question 8. To determine whose attitude toward Scrooge is the most severe, we need to assess the attitudes of each option:

A. Marley's
B. Bob Cratchit's
C. the Ghost of Christmas Present's
D. Mrs. Cratchit's

To determine the most severe attitude, consider the actions and statements of each character towards Scrooge depicted in the story. Analyze their treatment, criticism, or condemnation towards Scrooge.

In the given options, the character with the most severe attitude towards Scrooge is Mrs. Cratchit. Throughout the story, she expresses anger and frustration towards Scrooge's treatment of the poor and their family. This is shown in the scene where she confronts Scrooge during the Christmas dinner and berates him for his selfishness.

Therefore, the correct answer to question 8 is option D: Mrs. Cratchit's.