The minister joined the couple together as man and wife

My! This puts the emphasis on the MAN, but the woman is just the wife. What word do you think should be used instead if MAN?

If you are looking for a gender-neutral alternative to the word "man" in the phrase "man and wife," a possible option would be "spouse." By using the term "spouse," it shifts the emphasis away from any specific gender and highlights the equal partnership of two individuals in a marriage.

To find alternative words or phrases, you can use a thesaurus. A thesaurus is a reference resource that provides synonyms and related words for a given term. There are both online and offline versions available. Online thesauruses, such as or Merriam-Webster's Thesaurus, allow you to search for terms and browse through various alternatives.

Here is an example of how you can use an online thesaurus to find alternative words:

1. Visit a reputable online thesaurus website.
2. Enter the term "man" into the search bar.
3. Look through the results to find synonyms or suggested alternatives.
4. In this case, you might find alternatives like "spouse," "partner," "companion," or "mate."

Remember that the final choice of word may depend on the context and the specific preferences of the individuals involved.