What would be the best graph or display to represent your Home Library Statistics data? Why?

here is my data:

what is the best way of graphing it though?

I'd use a bar graph.

Can somebody help me

Ms. Sue died... rip :/

To find the median of a set of data, you need to order the values from lowest to highest and then find the middle value. If there are an even number of values, you take the average of the two middle values.

With the Home Library Statistics data you provided earlier, the values in order are:

127, 128, 133, 174, 175, 180, 183, 185, 185, 188, 188, 195, 217, 226, 275

Since there are an odd number of values, the median is simply the middle value, which in this case is 185.

those numbers are of book pages

@kat knows the answer what do i say to explain it?? please help i have it due today

i said bar graph 0-0

i said 'bar graph, you are able to see the diffrences in the pages the best "

ok thank youuu :D