State which reason for the earth being flat is true.

A) Geocentric model causes the earth to take on a flat shape.
B)The gravitational force pulls everything down including the planet itself.
C) The Sun would not be able to exert gravity on Earth unless it was a flat surface.

if the Earth was flat , then other celestial bodies would be also

... the "formation" process is universal

so if they are all flat , why do they all appear round

are we so special that they all always face us?

First of all, The earth isn't flat. Scientific studies show that the earth is in fact round. But if we were saying "Oh if the earth is flat, The sun would not be able to exert gravity on Earth unless it was a flat surface." would be your best bet.

I was unaware that (at astronomical distances) the shape of a mass had any gravitational effects

I think its B btw

I think that the earths round

i was given these questions by my teacher lol i dont really get it either
i think my teachers a flat earther

Thank you :)

me neither but i guess it must be like that