A goat is tied to a peg in the ground. the rope is 4.5m long. calculate the area of grass that the goat can eat.

To calculate the area of grass that the goat can eat, we need to determine the shape of the area the goat can access. From the given information, we know that the goat is tied to a peg, and the rope is 4.5 meters long. This can be visualized as a circle with the peg as the center and the rope length as its radius.

To find the area of the circle, we will use the formula A = πr², where A represents the area and r represents the radius of the circle.

In this case, the radius is half the length of the rope, so r = 4.5m / 2 = 2.25m.

Now, we can substitute the value for the radius into the formula:

A = π(2.25m)²

Calculating the square of the radius:

A = π(5.0625m²)

Multiplying by π:

A ≈ 15.9m²

Therefore, the area of grass that the goat can eat is approximately 15.9 square meters.

pi r^2

In theory you could use 1/2 base x height because calculus proves these formulas pi r^2 and 1/2 base x height are related. You could imagine a circle full of rings. Unroll those rings and you get a triangle. Plug in the variables to the formula and you get 1/2 R x pi^2. Which would be equivalent to pi r^2

i dont remember typing that


is the answer, you just need to find the area, its easy, but i do understand if you find it hard.