Aricela is trying to estimate the distance between her house and the park. On a map with a scale of 0.5 in. = 2 miles, the distance between her house and the park is 2.75 in. Which proportion can Aricela use to determine the distance, d, between her house and the park?

What are your choices? What is your answer?

d = 2.75in * 2mi/0.5in = 2.75 * 4 = -----miles.



To determine the proportion that Aricela can use to determine the distance, d, between her house and the park, we need to use the given scale on the map.

The scale on the map is 0.5 in. = 2 miles. This means that for every 0.5 inches on the map, it represents a distance of 2 miles in real life.

We are given that the distance between Aricela's house and the park on the map is 2.75 inches. Now, we need to find the corresponding distance in real life, which we will represent as d.

To set up the proportion, we can use the following ratio:

(distance on the map)/(corresponding distance in real life) = (scale on the map)/(1)

Substituting the values we know, we get:

2.75 in./d = 0.5 in./2 miles

Now, we can cross-multiply and solve for d:

2.75 * 2 miles = 0.5 * d
5.5 miles = 0.5 * d
d = 5.5 miles / 0.5
d = 11 miles

Therefore, the proportion Aricela can use to determine the distance, d, between her house and the park is:

2.75 in./11 miles = 0.5 in./2 miles