Which of the following is an example of symbolic speech?

gun ownership

running for office

distributing pamphlets

flag burning

I'm picking D since distributing pamphlets doesn't seem "symbolic"

I agree.

Symbolic speech refers to the use of nonverbal actions or symbols to convey a particular message or expression. Of the options provided, flag burning is an example of symbolic speech.

To determine this, we can analyze each option's nature and how it conveys a specific message:

A. Gun ownership: While gun ownership might be seen as a form of expression related to personal beliefs or self-defense, it is not generally considered as symbolic speech. It is more commonly associated with the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution, which grants the right to bear arms.

B. Running for office: Running for office is a political act that allows individuals to voice their views and represent the interests of their constituents. However, it is not directly considered symbolic speech, as it involves verbal communication and explicit expression.

C. Distributing pamphlets: While distributing pamphlets can be a form of communication and information sharing, it may not be inherently symbolic speech. It is more accurately categorized as a medium for expressing ideas or disseminating information.

D. Flag burning: Burning a flag is a notable example of symbolic speech. It involves the deliberate destruction of a national flag as a form of protest or expression. This action is meant to convey a strong message about dissent, discontent, or dissatisfaction with the government or specific policies.

Therefore, among the options presented, D. flag burning is the clearest example of symbolic speech.