Any website recommendations for Java beginners?

I’m unable to find any

I know nothing about Java so I can't recommend these. But you may find some useful sites here.

Thank you!

You're welcome.

the online java documentation is excellent.

you might as well start with the official documentation at

Certainly! There are several websites that are great for Java beginners. Here are a few recommendations:

1. Codecademy ( Codecademy offers a free Java course that covers the basics of the language. It provides interactive coding exercises and clear explanations to help you grasp the fundamentals.

2. Oracle Java Tutorials ( This is the official documentation provided by Oracle, the company that maintains Java. It covers a wide range of Java topics with detailed explanations and code examples.

3. Tutorialspoint ( Tutorialspoint offers a comprehensive Java tutorial that covers the basics as well as advanced topics. It provides in-depth explanations and examples.

4. Udemy ( Udemy is an online learning platform that offers several Java courses for beginners. These courses often have video lectures, quizzes, and projects to help you practice and apply what you've learned.

To explore these websites, simply open your web browser and enter the URL (website address) of the desired website. Once you're on the website, look for the Java tutorials or courses specifically designed for beginners. Follow the instructions provided, and you'll be on your way to learning Java!