Why did early Chinese civilizations and dynasties thrive for thousands of years with little outside influence? A. The Great Wall prevented invasions. B. The Chinese did not need to trade for goods and resources. C. Mountains and deserts provided natural barriers. D. China is protected by water on all sides.****

SHUT UP MS SUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. A map will show why this is wrong.

Is it A then?

To identify the reason why early Chinese civilizations and dynasties thrived for thousands of years with little outside influence, we can go through each answer choice and evaluate their accuracy.

A. The Great Wall prevented invasions: The Great Wall of China was primarily built as a defense mechanism to protect against invasions from nomadic tribes in the north. However, it is important to note that the Great Wall is not a continuous barrier and it did not completely prevent the Mongol invasions that eventually overran China in the 13th century. Therefore, while the Great Wall provided some level of protection, it is not the sole reason for China's isolation.

B. The Chinese did not need to trade for goods and resources: China, like any other civilization, required trade and exchange of goods and resources. While China had a rich agricultural base and abundant natural resources, trade was still an important aspect of their economy. This makes it unlikely that China's lack of need for trade alone can explain their isolation.

C. Mountains and deserts provided natural barriers: China is naturally protected by various physical features such as mountain ranges (such as the Himalayas) and deserts (such as the Gobi Desert). These geographical barriers acted as natural defenses and made invasions difficult, limiting the external influence on early Chinese civilizations.

D. China is protected by water on all sides: This statement is incorrect. China is not completely surrounded by water on all sides. It has land borders with several countries, such as Russia, Mongolia, India, and others. While China does have a long coastline that provides access to the seas, it cannot be said that the water protection is the main reason for China's isolation.

Based on the evaluation of each answer choice, the most accurate option that explains why early Chinese civilizations and dynasties thrived with little outside influence is:

C. Mountains and deserts provided natural barriers.

The geographical features of mountains and deserts acted as natural barriers, making invasions and external influences more challenging. These physical barriers played a significant role in protecting and isolating early Chinese civilizations from outside interference.

No. I've checked two of your guesses. You're on your own now. Please do not post this question again.