a race car moves at a constant speed around an oval tracks. is the car accelerating? why or why not

as the car moves along the curve of the track , it is being accelerated

acceleration is the change in velocity (speed AND direction)

the car moves at a constant speed
... but it is being accelerated toward the center of curvature
... this is called centripetal acceleration

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity over time. Velocity, on the other hand, is a vector quantity that denotes both speed and direction.

In the case of a race car moving at a constant speed around an oval track, the car is not changing its speed. However, it is changing its direction continuously because it moves in a circular path. Therefore, the car is actually experiencing acceleration due to its ongoing change in direction, even though its speed remains constant. This acceleration is referred to as centripetal acceleration, which always acts towards the center of the circular path.

To determine if the race car is accelerating, we need to understand the concept of acceleration. Acceleration occurs when there is a change in velocity, which can include a change in speed or direction.

In the case of the race car moving at a constant speed around an oval track, its velocity remains constant. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction. Since the car is moving at a constant speed, there is no change in its velocity, and therefore, no change in its direction.

Based on this understanding, we can conclude that the car is not accelerating because it is not undergoing any change in its velocity.