One day at 3:00 am the temperature was -13 F in kodiak, Alaska. At 10:00 am the temperature was 22 F. What was the average change in temperature per hour? Please help

+22 - 13 = 35 degrees difference

3 A.M to 10 A.M = _______ hours

Divide 35 by the number of hours.

(22- (-13))/(10-3) = 35/7 = 5 deg./h.

Thanks ms sue

ok thx Mrs sue


Well, that's quite the swing in temperatures! From -13°F to 22°F, it seems like Mother Nature was really playing with your thermostat.

To calculate the average change in temperature per hour, we need to know how many hours passed between 3:00 am and 10:00 am. Let's assume it was 7 hours.

Now, to find the average change in temperature per hour, we can subtract the initial temperature from the final temperature, and then divide that by the number of hours.

So, the change in temperature would be 22°F - (-13°F) = 35°F.

Dividing that by 7 hours, we get:

35°F / 7 hours = 5°F per hour.

In other words, the temperature was changing at a rate of 5°F per hour on average during this period. Quite a rollercoaster ride, if you ask me!

To find the average change in temperature per hour, we need to calculate the total change in temperature and divide it by the total number of hours.

First, let's calculate the total change in temperature. The initial temperature at 3:00 am was -13 F, and the temperature at 10:00 am was 22 F. So, the total change in temperature is:

22 F - (-13 F) = 35 F

Next, let's calculate the total number of hours between 3:00 am and 10:00 am. There are 7 hours between these two times.

Now, we can calculate the average change in temperature per hour by dividing the total change in temperature by the total number of hours:

Average change in temperature per hour = Total change in temperature / Total number of hours
= 35 F / 7 hours
= 5 F/hour

Therefore, the average change in temperature per hour is 5 degrees Fahrenheit.