In order to demonstrate that one idea is less important than another, which type of sentence will Bernice use?

A. Compound-complex
B. Complex
C. Compound
D. Simple

My answer is B.. is this right?

I agree.

To determine the type of sentence that Bernice would use to demonstrate that one idea is less important than another, let's break down the options:

A. Compound-complex
This type of sentence contains two independent clauses (each with a subject and a predicate) and at least one dependent clause (which cannot stand alone as a complete sentence). It is not necessary to use this sentence structure to convey the idea of one idea being less important than another.

B. Complex
A complex sentence consists of one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. This could be an appropriate choice because the dependent clause could express the less important idea, while the independent clause focuses on the more important idea.

C. Compound
A compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses connected with a coordinating conjunction such as "and," "but," or "or." While a compound sentence can be used to present contrasting ideas, it does not necessarily highlight one idea as less important than another.

D. Simple
A simple sentence is the most basic sentence structure, consisting of just one independent clause. It may not be the best choice to convey the idea of one idea being less important than another since it does not provide room for elaboration or comparison between the ideas.

Based on this analysis, option B (Complex) would indeed be the most suitable choice for Bernice to use in order to demonstrate that one idea is less important than another.