A pinhole camera is 15 cm in length,30 cm from an object.If the image is 4.4 cm tall,how high is the object

Here, hi=4.4cm; di=15cm; do=30cm; ho=?

hi/di = ho/do;
=> ho = hi*do/di;
=> ho = 4.4*30/15 = 8.8cm

A pin

To calculate the height of the object, we can use the similar triangles formed by the object, the pinhole camera, and the image.

Let's denote the height of the object as "h".

From the given information, we have:
Length of the pinhole camera (l) = 15 cm
Distance from the object to the camera (d1) = 30 cm
Height of the image (h1) = 4.4 cm

We can set up the following proportion using the similar triangles:

h1 / l = h / d1

Plugging in the given values, we have:

4.4 / 15 = h / 30

Cross-multiplying, we get:

4.4 * 30 = 15h

132 = 15h

Dividing both sides by 15:

h = 8.8 cm

Therefore, the height of the object is 8.8 cm.

To find the height of the object, we can use the similar triangles formed by the object, the camera, and the image.

We know that the height of the image is 4.4 cm, the distance from the object to the camera is 30 cm, and the length of the camera is 15 cm.

Using the concept of similar triangles, we can set up the proportion:

(object height) / (distance from object to camera) = (image height) / (camera length)

Let's substitute the given values into the proportion:

(object height) / 30 cm = 4.4 cm / 15 cm

To find the object height, we can cross-multiply and solve for it:

(object height) = (4.4 cm / 15 cm) * 30 cm

(object height) = 8.8 cm

Therefore, the height of the object is 8.8 cm.