find the values of c if a striaght line y = 2x + c, is tangent to the ellipse:

(x^2)/9 + (y^2)/4 = 1

Using the top half of the ellipse, we have

y = 2/3 √(9-x^2)
For the ellipse to intersect the line y=2x+c, we need
2/3 √(9-x^2) = 2x+c
4/9 (9-x^2) = (2x+c)^2
40/9 x^2 + 4cx + c^2-4
For the ellipse to be tangent to the line (only one solution), we need the discriminant to be zero.
16c^2 - 4(40/9)(c^2-4) = 0
So, c = 2√10

See the graph at,+y%3D2x%2B2%E2%88%9A10

There is a similar point where c = -2√10

To find the values of c for which the straight line y = 2x + c is tangent to the ellipse, we need to find the points of tangency between the line and the ellipse.

The equation of the given ellipse is (x^2)/9 + (y^2)/4 = 1.

First, let's substitute the equation of the line into the equation of the ellipse:

(x^2)/9 + ((2x + c)^2)/4 = 1

Simplifying this equation, expand the square of (2x + c):

(x^2)/9 + (4x^2 + 4cx + c^2)/4 = 1

Next, let's multiply the entire equation by 36 to eliminate the denominators:

4x^2 + 9(4x^2 + 4cx + c^2) = 36

Expand and simplify further:

4x^2 + 36x^2 + 36cx + 9c^2 = 36

Combine like terms:

40x^2 + 36cx + 9c^2 = 36

To determine the points of tangency, we need this quadratic equation to have only one solution, which occurs when the discriminant is zero.

The discriminant of the quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0 is given by b^2 - 4ac.

In our case, the discriminant is:

(36c)^2 - 4(40)(9c^2)

Simplifying this equation:

1296c^2 - 1440c^2 = 0

Subtracting the terms:

-144c^2 = 0

Dividing both sides by -144:

c^2 = 0

Taking the square root of both sides gives:

c = 0

Therefore, the value of c for which the straight line y = 2x + c is tangent to the ellipse (x^2)/9 + (y^2)/4 = 1 is c = 0.