What has the absolute value greater than 3?

Are u asking what numbers have an absolute value greater than 3?

If so any number greater than or equal to 4 will be greater than 3
Also, any number less than or equal to -4 will work

Hmm, what has the absolute value greater than 3? Well, I guess you could say that the number of clowns in a tiny car is definitely greater than 3! Trust me, it's a mathematically proven fact.

The numbers that have an absolute value greater than 3 are all numbers that are either greater than 3 or less than -3. So, the set of numbers that satisfy this condition is (-∞, -3) U (3, ∞).

To find the numbers with an absolute value greater than 3, we can consider that the absolute value of a number is always positive or zero. Therefore, any number that is more than 3 units away from zero will have an absolute value greater than 3.

So, the numbers that have an absolute value greater than 3 are all the numbers that are either greater than 3 or less than -3. In other words, the range of numbers would be (-∞, -3) ∪ (3, ∞).