Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

A circle has a diameter of 28 centimeters.

Estimate the area of the circle. Use 22/7 for π.

A = pi * r^2

A = 22/7 * 14^2
A = 22/7 * 196
A = 4,312 / 7
A = 616 sq. cm.

It's 2022, this is still very helpful!

Also, I hope you're enjoying your life in heaven now Ms. Sue, may you rest in peace.

Background information:
Ms. Sue passed away in November of 2019 due to a sickness, so if you see any other Ms. Sue's on this site, they are FAKES! Impersonating a dead person is just sick and disgusting. Impersonator's also seem to make Ms. Sue very rude and mean, so if you see anyone with the name "Ms. Sue" on this site, don't give them any attention at all or they will continue impersonating Ms. Sue. Now that we're done with that topic, God bless and have a great day!

Area = pi * r^2

The radius is half the diameter -- so 14

thank you and ms. sue I see that you don't get very nice comments sometimes so thanks A LOT for helping so many people

oh never mind I got help! thank you to:

Ms. Sue

You are welcome. And THANK YOU!

No thank you I am just telling the truth

Waow this is one of the only times Ms. Sue wasn’t called fake... btw Ms. Sue, thx for explaining 😀

im still confused :/

help plz

I do have one more question Ms. sue, and that is how do you find Value again? I forgot.

or someone els named ms.sue passed away R.I.P but if you are correct then mabey be a bit nicer to the those who have passed.

Ms. Sue AKA The Tutor Died Almost 4 Years Ago And Is Still Helping Many kids around the world may her legacy Live Forever Thank You Ms.Sue

@So...I need help, The thing is they don't help at all, they just criticize the student that needs help because they want attention, other students give them attention so they continue with pretending to be Ms. Sue. I just wanted to spread awareness to the Ms. Sue situation but you did make a good statement. Once again, God bless and have a great day! <3

Ok...What if i said "I DONT CARE, I JUST CAME FOR ANSWERS" look if someone fakes to be somebody and still provides answers, that seems like their doing a good job, we still are able to answer hard question so thank you Mrs. sue

volume= L x W x H so you just multipy

miss sue is dead people just face it it was only like 3 years ago ok

.... uuuhhhhhhh R.I.P mrs. sue and ty for telling us.😢😢😢

Does anyone know how to find the value in a shape if so I need help then i am done


Also thank you miss,Sue because I like you a lot

im actually alive imbiciles


I dont know how its 616 I did A= PI x R and got 615.44 and when you estimate it its 615. IDKKKK

fake ms. sue lmaoo

a teacher would not say such thing as crap so its trueeee tis a fake miss sue :P

Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

A circle has a diameter of 28 centimeters.

Estimate the area of the circle. Use

The radius of the circle is half of its diameter, which is 28/2 = 14 cm.

Using the formula for the area of a circle, A = πr^2, we can estimate the area of the circle by substituting π with 3.14 and r with 14:

A ≈ 3.14 x 14^2

A ≈ 3.14 x 196

A ≈ 615.44

Therefore, the estimated area of the circle is approximately 615.44 square centimeters.

Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

What is the volume of the rectangular prism?

I'm sorry, but you haven't provided enough information to solve the problem. Please provide the length, width, and height (or any two of them), as well as the units of measurement.

Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

What is the volume of the rectangular prism?

I am sorry, but the dimensions of the rectangular prism are missing in your question. Please provide all the dimensions so I can assist you to find the volume of the rectangular prism.

i cant believe yall believe that crap

how are you guys supposed to do state testing if youre cheating for normal assignment???

ok sure