If price and worth mean the same thing, why priceless and worthless are opposites?

Isn't our English language wonderful?

But there is a difference. Do you see it?

priceless -- without price
worthless -- without worth

See these examples

1. The worthless Liberty City sold at 9,000,000 dollars (not only the cd)
2. The worthless GTA 4 sold at 190,000 dollars(same)

that's a good question

i see it

they are not same

The terms "price" and "worth" are often used interchangeably to refer to the value or monetary value of something. However, when it comes to the terms "priceless" and "worthless," they have specific connotations that make them opposites.

"Priceless" means that something is so valuable that it cannot be assigned a price or monetary value. It suggests something of immeasurable value or something that is beyond calculation or estimation. For example, a family heirloom that has sentimental value or a work of art that is considered a national treasure may be considered priceless.

On the other hand, "worthless" means that something has no value or is of little to no value. It suggests that the item or concept in question has no significant worth, usefulness, or importance. An object that is broken, obsolete, or no longer functional may be seen as worthless.

While the terms "priceless" and "worthless" may seem like opposites in the context of value, they are used differently to convey different meanings. "Priceless" emphasizes the absence of a specific price, while "worthless" emphasizes the lack of worth or value altogether.