A sphere weighs 1200N. It is supported by two planes at 35 degree & 50 degree to the horizontal respectively. Calculate the support reaction.

Patil ashwini kalyan

GdghUjbc gdfn b6vbu6 yygN

A sphere weighs 1200N. It is supported by two planes at 35 degree & 50 degree to the horizontal respectively. Calculate the support reaction..... Solve this question

Ra= 922.70N Rb= 690.22N

To calculate the support reaction, we need to break down the weight of the sphere into its vertical and horizontal components on each plane.

Step 1: Find the vertical component of the weight
The vertical component of the weight of the sphere can be calculated using the formula:
Vertical component = weight * cos(angle)

Vertical component on the first plane (35 degrees):
Vertical component 1 = 1200 N * cos(35)

Vertical component on the second plane (50 degrees):
Vertical component 2 = 1200 N * cos(50)

Step 2: Find the horizontal component of the weight
The horizontal component of the weight of the sphere can be calculated using the formula:
Horizontal component = weight * sin(angle)

Horizontal component on the first plane (35 degrees):
Horizontal component 1 = 1200 N * sin(35)

Horizontal component on the second plane (50 degrees):
Horizontal component 2 = 1200 N * sin(50)

Step 3: Calculate the support reaction
The support reaction is the sum of all the vertical components of the weight on each plane.

Support reaction = Vertical component 1 + Vertical component 2

Once we calculate the support reaction, we can provide the final answer.