23rd term: 7, -21, 63, -189,..

Hint: All numbers in the sequence are multiples of ...


-3 *189 ....

To find the 23rd term in the sequence given, we need to identify the pattern and use it to determine the value.

Looking at the sequence:
7, -21, 63, -189, ...

We can see that each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by -3. In other words, each term is the result of multiplying the previous term by -3:

-21 = 7 * -3
63 = -21 * -3
-189 = 63 * -3

So, to find the 23rd term, we can continue this pattern of multiplying each successive term by -3.

To get from the third term to the fourth term, we multiply -21 by -3:
-21 * -3 = 63

To get from the fourth term to the fifth term, we multiply 63 by -3:
63 * -3 = -189

Continuing this pattern, we can find the 23rd term by taking the 22nd term and multiplying it by -3:

-189 * -3 = 567

Therefore, the 23rd term in the sequence is 567.