After 0.69 g of CoCl2⋅6H2O is heated, the residue has a mass of 0.333 g . Calculate the % H2O in the hydrate.

What was the actual number of moles of water per formula unit CoCl2?

Check your other post.

To calculate the percentage of water in the hydrate, we need to find the mass of water and the mass of the anhydrous compound.

Mass of the hydrated compound (CoCl2⋅6H2O) = 0.69 g
Mass of the residue (anhydrous compound) = 0.333 g

Step 1: Find the mass of water in the hydrate.

Mass of water = Mass of hydrated compound - Mass of residue
Mass of water = 0.69 g - 0.333 g
Mass of water = 0.357 g

Step 2: Calculate the percentage of water.

Percentage of water = (Mass of water / Mass of hydrated compound) × 100%
Percentage of water = (0.357 g / 0.69 g) × 100%
Percentage of water ≈ 51.74%

Therefore, the hydrate CoCl2⋅6H2O contains approximately 51.74% water.