The Ice-Cream Palace's sundaes include 1 cup of ice-cream, 2 ounces of chocolate syrup, and 1 ounce of sprinkles. How many ounces of ingredients do the sundaes contain?

By the way, the answer is 11. I am not trying to hate, or be mean, but I struggle with this and I would like the correct answer.

I tried this, and this Isn't the correct answer. This just makes learning more complicated. I feel that if you are going to have a website about this, you should at least be smart enough to answer a question.


Its 11

It is 11

Fake, answers 11


Loopdeloop you are just a plain old brat they tried there hardest so your the one Who needs to be smart. 😡

Thank You so much that was the corect answer. I apreciate you guys puting up a website to help kids with math. Just like me.


Thank you!!!!!

1 cup =16 ounces

you can figure that out it's preety easy

and i think that will be your answer

Your welcome.