it is difficult to grow crops in much of inland Africa MAINLY because of the region's lack of


zero help at all

The correct answer is D) Water.

To arrive at the answer, we need to consider the conditions required for crop growth and identify the factor that is most limiting in inland Africa.

First, we can eliminate options A and C - soil and land. Inland Africa has a variety of soil types and arable land suitable for crop cultivation. Therefore, the lack of soil or land is not the primary reason for the difficulty in growing crops.

Next, let's consider option B - the sun. While sunlight is essential for photosynthesis, the region typically receives ample sunlight, so it is not the main limiting factor.

Finally, we come to option D - water. Inland Africa, especially parts of the Sahel and the Horn of Africa, experiences severe water scarcity. These regions are characterized by long dry seasons and limited rainfall, meaning there is not enough water available for crop growth. The lack of water is the primary reason it is challenging to grow crops in much of inland Africa.

Therefore, the correct answer is D) Water.
