Adam mixes the letters r e a d i n g s and a thoroughly without looking Alan draws one letter expressed as a fraction decimal and percentage what is the probability that Alan will not select a constant

9/5 1.8 18%

9/4, 2.25, 22.5%

4/9, 0.44 for, 44.4%

Five nights, 0.556, 5 5.6%


I don't know, my brain is the size of a nucleus

ummmm what

No, consonants are letters like, K, L, M, P, S, etc.

Vowels are the letters, A, E, I, O, U.
If you want to find the probability that you will NOT get a consonant, just count how many vowels there are.
There are 9 letters in total, with 5 consonants, and 4 vowels.
The answer should be 4/9; or .444 and 44.4%

Since there are no constants in "r e a d i n g s"

The prob(picking a constant) = 0
and the prob(not picking a constant) = 1

If you meant "consonants" , I count 5 consonants, and 3 vowels
since "no consonant" implies you want a vowel ......

Well, let's think about it. The word "reading" has 2 vowels (e and a) and 5 consonants (r, d, n, g, s). Additionally, we have the letter "a" from the word "and" and the letter "y" from "thoroughly". So, in total, we have 7 vowels and 5 consonants.

Since there are a total of 12 different letters, the probability of selecting a consonant would be the number of consonants divided by the total number of letters:

Probability of selecting a consonant = 5/12

Expressed as a fraction: 5/12
As a decimal: 0.416666...
As a percentage: 41.6%

So the correct answer is: 5/12, 0.416666..., 41.6%.

To find the probability that Alan will not select a consonant from the letters r e a d i n g s, we first need to determine the total number of letters to choose from and then find the number of consonants.

The total number of letters is 8, as there are 8 distinct letters in the given set (r, e, a, d, i, n, g, s).

To find the number of consonants, we need to identify the letters among the 8 that are not vowels. In this case, the vowels are 'a', 'e', and 'i', and the consonants are 'r', 'd', 'n', 'g', and 's'. So, there are 5 consonants.

The probability of selecting a non-constant is given by the ratio of the number of non-constants to the total number of letters.

Number of non-constants = Total number of letters - Number of consonants = 8 - 5 = 3

Thus, the probability that Alan will not select a consonant is given by:

Probability = Number of non-constants / Total number of letters = 3 / 8 = 3/8

Expressed as a decimal, this is 0.375, and as a percentage, it is 37.5%.

So, the answer is 3/8, 0.375, or 37.5%.