Drawing a red marble from a bag of 6 red and 4 blue marbles replacing it and then drawing a blue marble

What is your question?

If you are asking for the probability of your event happening, then

Prob(your event) = (6/10)(4/10) = .... , reduce to lowest terms

To answer this question, we can use the concept of probability. Probability is the measure of the likelihood that an event will occur. In this case, we want to determine the probability of drawing a red marble followed by drawing a blue marble from a bag.

Step 1: Find the probability of drawing a red marble.
Since there are 6 red marbles in the bag, out of a total of 10 marbles, the probability of drawing a red marble is:
6 red marbles / 10 total marbles = 0.6 or 60%.

Step 2: Replace the red marble.
After drawing the red marble, we replace it back into the bag. This means that the number of red marbles and blue marbles remain the same.

Step 3: Find the probability of drawing a blue marble.
Since there are 4 blue marbles in the bag, out of a total of 10 marbles, the probability of drawing a blue marble is:
4 blue marbles / 10 total marbles = 0.4 or 40%.

Step 4: Multiply the probabilities.
To find the probability of both events occurring, we multiply the probabilities of each event:
0.6 (probability of drawing a red marble) * 0.4 (probability of drawing a blue marble) = 0.24 or 24%.

Therefore, the probability of drawing a red marble followed by drawing a blue marble is 24%.