Name 2 of the internal organs in a frog and tell what are their funtions in a frogs body.

Two internal organs in a frog are the liver and the lungs.

The liver is an essential organ in the frog's body. Its main function is to produce bile, which aids in the digestion of fats. Additionally, the liver detoxifies harmful substances in the body, stores important nutrients, and plays a role in regulating metabolism.

The lungs in frogs are responsible for their breathing. Frogs have a specialized respiratory system that allows them to breathe both through their lungs and their skin. The lungs play a vital role in extracting oxygen from the air and removing carbon dioxide, enabling the frog's body to get the oxygen it needs for cellular respiration.

To determine these organs in a frog, you can dissect the frog. However, dissection might not be readily available or feasible for everyone. Alternatively, you can find this information in reputable anatomical sources such as biology textbooks or online resources that provide detailed diagrams and explanations of frog anatomy. For a more hands-on experience, you could also consider using virtual dissection programs or mobile apps specifically designed for biology education.