13. A teacher who sets firm but fair and reasonable limits on behavior is most likely

A. indulgent.

B. uninvolved.

C. authoritative.

D. authoritarian.

My answer is C.

Yes, authoritarian.

Correct! The teacher who sets firm but fair and reasonable limits on behavior is most likely to be authoritative.

To arrive at this answer, let's look at the definitions of the options:

A. Indulgent: An indulgent teacher is lenient and permissive, allowing students to have their own way without much discipline or structure. This option does not align with setting firm limits.

B. Uninvolved: An uninvolved teacher is disengaged and distant from students, showing little interest or concern for their behavior or academic progress. This option does not involve setting any limits at all.

C. Authoritative: An authoritative teacher is firm and sets clear boundaries while also being fair and reasonable. They maintain control in the classroom but do so in a positive and supportive manner, creating a structured and respectful environment where students understand expectations and consequences.

D. Authoritarian: An authoritarian teacher is strict and enforces rigid rules without much flexibility or consideration for students' opinions or feelings. While they do set limits, they may not be fair or reasonable.

Given the description of a teacher who sets firm but fair and reasonable limits, the most suitable choice is C, authoritative.