Six ways in which individual, groups and the broader south African community can be influence by human Rights Violation?

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Discuss six ways in which individuals, groups and the broader south African community can be influenced by human Rights violation

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They won't feel safe anymore.

They will be emotional and physically challenged
It will create conflict between groups or individual

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Human rights violations can have a significant impact on individuals, groups, and the broader South African community. Here are six ways in which they can be influenced:

1. Individual Impact: Human rights violations can directly affect individuals through physical and psychological harm. This can include torture, imprisonment, discrimination, or denial of basic rights and freedoms.

2. Social Injustice: Human rights violations can lead to social injustice, where certain groups or communities are unfairly treated or targeted based on their race, ethnicity, religion, or other factors. This can result in segregation, marginalization, and the denial of equal opportunities.

3. Community Divisions: Human rights violations can create divisions within communities, fostering distrust and animosity among different groups. This can lead to the breakdown of social cohesion and harmony within the broader South African community.

4. Political Instability: Human rights violations often occur in contexts of political instability or authoritarian regimes. Such violations can lead to a lack of trust in the government, fueling social and political unrest, protests, or even armed conflicts.

5. Economic Consequences: Human rights violations can have adverse economic consequences. When certain groups are denied access to education, employment, or fair wages, it can deepen existing inequalities and hinder economic development.

6. International Relations: Violations of human rights can negatively impact a country's international reputation. It can lead to sanctions, trade restrictions, or limitations on foreign aid, affecting diplomatic relations and cooperation with other nations.

To further explore these impacts, you can refer to government reports, non-governmental organizations that monitor human rights, academic studies, news articles, or documentaries. These sources provide insights into specific cases and the consequences of human rights violations in South Africa.

Six ways in which individuals, groups and the broader south Africa community can be influenced by human rights violation