Of the students at grant middle school, 63% are girls. The school newspaper is randomly selecting a student to be interviewed. Describe the complement of selecting a girl and find the probability of the complement. Write the answer as a fraction, decimal and percent.


The complement of selecting a girl would be selecting a boy.

To find the probability of the complement, we need to subtract the probability of selecting a girl from 1.

If 63% of the students are girls, then the percentage of boys in the school would be 100% - 63% = 37%.

The probability of the complement (selecting a boy) is 37%.

Expressing it as a fraction:
Probability of the complement = 37/100

Expressing it as a decimal:
Probability of the complement = 0.37

Expressing it as a percent:
Probability of the complement = 37%

To find the complement of selecting a girl, we need to determine the percentage and probability of selecting a boy.

Given that 63% of the students are girls, the complement would be the percentage of boys at Grant Middle School. Since the total percentage of students must equal 100%, the percentage of boys is 100% - 63% = 37%.

To convert this complement percentage into a fraction, we can write it as 37/100. As a decimal, it's 0.37. And as a percent, it can be written as 37%.

Therefore, the probability of selecting a boy is:
- Fraction: 37/100
- Decimal: 0.37
- Percent: 37%

not girl = boy

(not so sure, these days!)
P(not girl) = 1 - P(girl)