1. Compare using <,>, or =. 1 point

-15 _______ -21
A. <*
C. =

2. Which number is greater than –24. 1 point
A -42
B -27
C-16 *
D -32

Well, since there are barely any answers, im here! Also this is the Unit 4 Integers, Comparing and Ordering Integer quick check for connexus!

Compare using <,> or =. -15_____-21
Which number is greater than -24?
Which set of Integers is ordered from least to greatest?
Fill in the blank so that the set of intergers is ordered from greatest to least. 5,0,___,-14,-20.
Which of the following is a true statement?
B. When comparing two integers, the integer with the greater absolute value could be the lesser integer.
And i just did the quick check so these answers are accurate!

All my answers are correct i swear

1.B, >
3.C, -12,-8,-4.7
4.B, -4
5.B, When comparing two integers, the integer with the greater absolute value could be the lesser integer.
I had just taken the test you should get 5/5 if you don't you maybe got the wrong test

1. is B. > because these are negative numbers, the bigger the negative number, the less it is worth. For example, what is greater? -28 or -29? -29 seems bigger in digits, but it is one less than -28. Remember this. 2. is correct, it is C. 16. Good day. 🙂

@ANSWERS is toooootally correct,i haven't really been interested in school,my parents don't support my actual dreams...this really helped keep my grades up,thank you soooo much...i swear i got an 100% on my lif-uhem,on my lifters..I'm just jk,but yeah,i got a 100

ur welcome @Godzilla! and im glad the answer are still good evne in 2022 @ANSWERS :D

@Nerd yea sure!

THANK YOU @non ya business


your welcome @? :D always happy to halp :]

do you have roblox

look at the 1st one again

Thx non ya beeswax

@Teachs -.-


all fact no cap

@Gamer_Dog407 suuuureeee buddy

@BUSSIN wanna be friends

my identity must be known...

i am...


Answer is Rii I got a 100

i have 17 not 5

It is possible that there are different versions of the Quick Check, or that the questions and answers have been updated since this thread was originally posted. It is always important to double-check the questions and answers before submitting an assessment.


Roblox is not a school matter so stop talking, about it