1. The following question asks about one or more selections from your Literature textbook. You

may use your textbook to answer this question.
From the following list, choose two poems for this constructed response: ‟Concrete Cat,”
‟Haiku,” and ‟Limerick.”
In the poems you read in Collection 3, the poets chose different forms to express their thoughts
and feelings about the subject. Imagine that their poetic forms changed. How would each poem
be different if its form were exchanged with another form? Write a paragraph discussing how
each poem would be different with a new form. Support your ideas with text evidence from the

can someone give me an outline, I don't want you to write the answer for me

I`m going to get a F plz

Tell me the answer plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

How would each poem be different if its form were exchanged with another form?

I don`t understand Plz and thank you

if you're reading this you have a lwc

Mrs sue is the most rude human I know, you would think a teacher would be somewhat supportive of students not wanting to fail.

Sure! Here's an outline to help you structure your response:

I. Introduction
- Start by briefly introducing the three poems: "Concrete Cat," "Haiku," and "Limerick."
- Mention that the task is to discuss how each poem would be different if its form were exchanged with another form.
- State that you will provide evidence from the text to support your ideas.

II. Body Paragraph 1 - "Concrete Cat"
- Start with a topic sentence explaining how "Concrete Cat" would be different with a new form.
- Provide specific evidence from the poem to support your point.
- Discuss the impact of the new form on the poem's structure, rhythm, or imagery.
- Conclude the paragraph by summarizing the main differences that would arise from the exchanged form.

III. Body Paragraph 2 - "Haiku"
- Begin with a topic sentence discussing how "Haiku" would be different with a new form.
- Use evidence from the poem to back up your statements.
- Analyze how the new form would affect the poem's brevity, focus on nature, or juxtaposition of images.
- Wrap up the paragraph by summarizing the key differences resulting from the alternate form.

IV. Body Paragraph 3 - "Limerick"
- Start with a topic sentence addressing how "Limerick" would be different with a new form.
- Use quotes from the poem to validate your claims.
- Analyze how the new form would impact the poem's rhyme scheme, humor, or rhythm.
- Conclude the paragraph by summarizing the main differences that would emerge from the different form.

V. Conclusion
- Restate the main points discussed in each body paragraph.
- Highlight the significance of poetic form in shaping a poem's overall meaning and impact.
- Conclude with a strong statement about the importance of understanding and appreciating different poetic forms.

Remember to consult your Literature textbook for specific details and evidence from the poems to support your points. Good luck with your response!