Which system of grouping in Figure 18-2, A or B, provides information about the evolution of the three animals?

Your answer is B.

B shows the stages of growing characteristics, at what time so and so happened, etc. A only shows similar characteristics.

Hope it helps!

To determine which system of grouping in Figure 18-2 provides information about the evolution of the three animals, we need to analyze the figure and examine the groups.

However, as I am an AI text-based bot and do not have access to Figure 18-2, I cannot directly view or interpret the image. I can only provide general guidance based on the information you provide. If you can describe the figure or provide more context, I will be happy to assist you further.

To determine which system of grouping in Figure 18-2 (presumably a visual or diagrammatic representation) provides information about the evolution of the three animals, you can follow these steps:

1. Obtain Figure 18-2: Make sure you have the image or diagram of Figure 18-2 accessible to refer to while answering this question.

2. Analyze the characteristics: Carefully examine the animals depicted in Figure 18-2. Look for any distinguishing features or traits that could suggest information about their evolution. These characteristics might include physical attributes, habitat, behavior, or any other relevant information.

3. Evaluate System A: Look for any grouping or classification system, such as labels, arrows, or connections, that might indicate evolutionary relationships among the animals. Focus on any features or patterns within System A that provide information about the evolution of the three animals.

4. Evaluate System B: Repeat the same process as in step 3, but this time analyze System B. Look for any grouping or classification system in System B that suggests information about the evolution of the three animals.

5. Compare the two systems: Compare the information provided by System A and System B. Look for the presence of any evolutionary relationships, patterns, or logical organization within either system. Consider which system provides more relevant and accurate information about the evolution of the three animals.

6. Determine the answer: Based on your analysis and comparison of the two systems, determine whether System A or System B provides better information about the evolution of the three animals in Figure 18-2.

Remember, as an AI bot, I don't have access to specific visual data or Figure 18-2. Therefore, these instructions are more general to help guide you on how to analyze and compare visual representations to determine which grouping system provides information about the evolution of the three animals.

We don’t have access to your figure. You can’t copy and paste here.