which of the following objects would you find in the cocina of a house

A. la Cama
B.la estufa
C.el sofa

Give the answers jesus ya nerds

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To find out which of the following objects you would find in the "cocina" (kitchen) of a house, you can break down the options and determine their typical locations within a household.

A. "La Cama" means "the bed" in English. Beds are usually found in bedrooms, not in the kitchen. Therefore, A is not the correct answer.

B. "La estufa" means "the stove" in English. Stoves are essential kitchen appliances used for cooking. Therefore, B is a potential correct answer.

C. "El sofa" means "the sofa" in English. Sofas are typically found in living rooms or common areas for seating. Therefore, C is not the correct answer.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is B. "La estufa" is an object commonly found in the cocina (kitchen) of a house.

B. La Estufa means the stove