Which defines caste system?

Hindu practice of determining social status by birth
Muslim system of separating men and women in society
European feudal practice of granting knighthood to a warrior
Buddhist belief of spiritual equality based on nirvana

what is the answer

The definition that best describes the caste system is the Hindu practice of determining social status by birth.

To understand this, it's important to consider the origins and workings of the caste system in Hindu society.

The caste system in Hinduism is a hierarchical social structure that categorizes individuals into distinct social groups or castes. These castes are determined by birth, and an individual's caste is typically inherited from their parents. Each caste has its own specific rights, duties, and privileges, as well as a prescribed occupation.

The four main castes in traditional Hindu society are:

1. Brahmins: the priestly class responsible for religious rituals and education.
2. Kshatriyas: the warrior or ruling class involved in military and administrative activities.
3. Vaishyas: the merchant or business class engaged in commerce and agricultural activities.
4. Shudras: the laborer or servant class involved in manual labor.

Additionally, there exists a group outside these castes known as Dalits (formerly referred to as "untouchables"). Dalits have historically been considered socially and ritually impure and have been subjected to significant discrimination and oppression.

The caste system has been a deeply ingrained aspect of Indian society, influencing individuals' social and economic opportunities, educational access, and even marriage prospects. Although the caste system is rooted in Hinduism, its influence extends beyond religion and has had significant implications on various aspects of Indian society and culture.

It's crucial to note that while the caste system continues to be influential in some parts of India, efforts have been made to challenge and eradicate its discriminatory practices. The Indian Constitution legally prohibits caste-based discrimination, and affirmative action policies have been implemented to promote equality and social justice.
