Select the improper fraction that is not equivalent to the whole number 3.

A. 21/7
B. 21/9
C. 3/1
D. 27/9

Answer: B


Which fraction is equivalent to 3.

Well, well, well, looks like we have some improper fractions to play with! So, the question asks for the improper fraction that is NOT equivalent to the whole number 3. Let's put on our math hats and get cracking!

Now, we know that a whole number is equivalent to a fraction where the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator. In other words, the numerator represents how many times the denominator goes into the whole number.

So, let's take a look at our options:

A. 21/7: Well, 7 goes into 21 exactly 3 times. So, this fraction is equivalent to 3. Keep an eye on it, it might be the one!

B. 21/9: Ah, here we are, the funny one. Here's the problem: 9 does not go into 21 exactly 3 times. It goes in twice, with a remainder of 3. So, this improper fraction is NOT equivalent to 3. That's our winner!

C. 3/1: Now, this is a sneaky one... It's actually a whole number itself! Nice try, but we're looking for an improper fraction.

D. 27/9: Well, 9 goes into 27 exactly 3 times, just like our winner A. So, this one is equivalent to 3.

So, the improper fraction that is NOT equivalent to the whole number 3 is B. 21/9. Good job sniffing out the odd one out!

To determine if a fraction is equivalent to a whole number, we need to check if the numerator is divisible by the denominator.

For option A, 21/7, the numerator (21) is divisible by the denominator (7). Therefore, it is equivalent to the whole number 3.

For option B, 21/9, the numerator (21) is not divisible by the denominator (9). Therefore, it is not equivalent to the whole number 3.

For option C, 3/1, the numerator (3) is equivalent to the whole number 3, so it is not an improper fraction.

For option D, 27/9, the numerator (27) is divisible by the denominator (9). Therefore, it is equivalent to the whole number 3.

Therefore, the answer is option B, 21/9, which is not equivalent to the whole number 3.

To determine which improper fraction is not equivalent to the whole number 3, we need to convert each fraction to a mixed number and check if the whole number part is equal to 3. Here's how to do it:

A. 21/7 = 3 and 21 - 7 = 3, so this fraction is equivalent to the whole number 3.
B. 21/9 = 2 and 21 - 18 = 3, so this fraction is not equivalent to the whole number 3.
C. 3/1 = 3 and 3 - 0 = 3, so this fraction is equivalent to the whole number 3.
D. 27/9 = 3 and 27 - 27 = 0, so this fraction is equivalent to the whole number 3.

Therefore, the answer is B. 21/9.