algebra is used to solve problems of age, speed,unknown numbers. What are other parts of word problems you know atleast 12 ?

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In addition to age, speed, and unknown numbers, algebra can be used to solve word problems involving various other scenarios. Here are twelve examples:

1. Distance: Calculating the distance traveled by an object based on given speed and time.
2. Proportions: Determining the relationship between quantities in terms of ratios.
3. Percentages: Calculating percentages or finding the original value given a certain percentage.
4. Money: Calculating expenses, profits, or discounts in financial situations.
5. Mixture Problems: Solving problems involving mixing different substances or solutions with known quantities and ratios.
6. Work: Determining the time it takes for multiple people to complete a task working together or individually.
7. Interest: Calculating simple or compound interest in financial situations.
8. Perimeter/Area: Finding the length of the sides, perimeter, or area of geometric shapes.
9. Volumes: Determining the volume of three-dimensional shapes like cylinders, cones, or spheres.
10. Ratios: Comparing quantities and finding a missing value based on the given ratio.
11. Investments: Calculating returns or growth rates in investment scenarios.
12. Data Analysis: Using algebraic equations to analyze and interpret data sets.

These examples demonstrate the versatility of algebra in solving a wide range of word problems encountered in various fields.