please help. Which of the following was true of people moving to suburbs and purchasing automobiles?

Women were allowed to drive and thereby gained more freedom.

It was a lifestyle only the wealthy could afford.

Women were left isolated all day as men took the cars to work in the city.

Cities could not keep up with road construction in places outside the city.

i think the answer is b but i dont want to get it wrong :/

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Your answer is wrong.

What do u know about the question

The answers is definitely not B. It was because the automobiles were affordable that made it easier for those city dwellers to move to the suburbs.

To determine which of the given options is true of people moving to suburbs and purchasing automobiles, we can analyze each option:

A. Women were allowed to drive and thereby gained more freedom.
To verify this option, we need to understand the historical context of the time period when people started moving to suburbs and purchasing automobiles. In the early 20th century, the suffragette movement fought for women's rights, including the right to vote and greater gender equality. As the automobile industry grew and more families began owning cars, women increasingly gained the freedom to drive, which further expanded their mobility and independence. Therefore, option A is likely to be true.

B. It was a lifestyle only the wealthy could afford.
To assess this option, we need to consider the affordability of automobiles and suburban living during that time. In the early stages of automobile production, cars were expensive, making them primarily accessible to the wealthier sections of society. Similarly, suburbs were often seen as more affluent areas, as they provided a suburban lifestyle away from the crowded and often unsanitary conditions of inner cities. Therefore, option B is likely to be true.

C. Women were left isolated all day as men took the cars to work in the city.
To evaluate this option, we should recognize the impact of commuting patterns during the period of suburbanization and increased car ownership. While it is conceivable that men might have used the family car to commute to work, leaving women without transportation during the day, it does not account for the fact that women gained increased mobility through their own ability to drive. Women's access to automobiles allowed them to engage in various activities outside of the home, such as running errands or participating in social and community events. Therefore, option C is probably not true.

D. Cities could not keep up with road construction in places outside the city.
To examine this option, we need to consider the infrastructure development associated with suburban expansion. During the period of suburbanization, cities did face challenges in keeping up with the rapid pace of road construction required to connect urban areas to the newly emerging suburbs. However, this option wrongly assumes that cities were unable to keep up with road construction outside the city. In reality, suburban areas were typically developed with the construction of new roads and highways, facilitated by government policies and initiatives. Therefore, option D is likely not true.

Based on our analysis, options A and B are likely true, while options C and D are likely not true.