What is the probability that a male will inherit an x linked chromosome from his homozygous recessive mother (X^w, X^w) or hemizygous dominant father (X^W, Y)?

What is the probability that a male will inherit a homozygous dominant autosomal genotype of RR from his homozygous dominant mother (RR) and homozygous recessive father (rr)?

What is the probability that a male will inherit a heterozygous autosomal genotype of Rr from his homozygous dominant mother (RR) and homozygous recessive father (rr)?

What is the probability that a male will inherit a homozygous dominant autosomal genotype of RR from his heterozygous mother (Rr) and homozygous recessive father (rr)?

What is the probability that a male will inherit a heterozygous autosomal genotype of Rr from his heterozygous mother (Rr) and homozygous recessive father (rr)?

Maybe you should just try a couple of them.

The answer to the first problem is 100%.

thanks, i figured that out, ill just find the rest of the answers i guess

To calculate the probability of inheriting certain genotypes, we need to consider the principles of Mendelian genetics and the rules of probability.

1. Probability of inheriting an X-linked chromosome:
In this case, the male has a homozygous recessive mother (X^w, X^w) and a hemizygous dominant father (X^W, Y). Since the mother is homozygous recessive and has two X^w alleles, she can only pass down the X^w allele to her offspring. The father, on the other hand, can pass down either the X^W or Y allele. Since the male inherits his X chromosome from his mother and his Y chromosome from his father, the probability of inheriting an X-linked chromosome from his mother is 1, as there are no other alleles to be inherited from the mother.

2. Probability of inheriting a homozygous dominant autosomal genotype:
In this case, the male has a homozygous dominant mother (RR) and a homozygous recessive father (rr). Since the mother is homozygous dominant with the genotype RR, she can only pass down the R allele. The father, being homozygous recessive with genotype rr, can only pass down the r allele. So, the probability of inheriting the RR genotype from the mother is 1, as there are no other alleles to be inherited from the mother.

3. Probability of inheriting a heterozygous autosomal genotype:
In this case, the male has a homozygous dominant mother (RR) and a homozygous recessive father (rr), and the genotype of interest is Rr. The mother can pass down either the R or r allele with equal probability, so the probability of inheriting the R allele from the mother is 1/2, and the probability of inheriting the r allele is also 1/2. The father, being homozygous recessive, can only pass down the r allele. Therefore, the probability of inheriting the Rr genotype is (1/2) * (1/2) = 1/4.

4. Probability of inheriting a homozygous dominant autosomal genotype from a heterozygous mother and a homozygous recessive father:
In this case, the male has a heterozygous mother (Rr) and a homozygous recessive father (rr), and the genotype of interest is RR. The mother can pass down either the R or r allele with equal probability, so the probability of inheriting the R allele from the mother is 1/2, and the probability of inheriting the r allele is also 1/2. The father, being homozygous recessive, can only pass down the r allele. Therefore, the probability of inheriting the RR genotype is (1/2) * (1/2) = 1/4.

5. Probability of inheriting a heterozygous autosomal genotype from a heterozygous mother and a homozygous recessive father:
In this case, the male has a heterozygous mother (Rr) and a homozygous recessive father (rr), and the genotype of interest is Rr. The mother can pass down either the R or r allele with equal probability, so the probability of inheriting the R allele from the mother is 1/2, and the probability of inheriting the r allele is also 1/2. The father, being homozygous recessive, can only pass down the r allele. Therefore, the probability of inheriting the Rr genotype is (1/2) * (1/2) = 1/4.

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