Compare and contrast the results of adding or multiplying a value outside the argument of a function to the result of adding or multiplying a value inside the argument of a function.

Okay i get that. But all you guys are on here is for answers WTF? You arent gonna get a good education doing that

I'm not looking for the exact answer, I'm just looking for a little help with this question so I can understand what the question wants from me.

To compare and contrast the results of adding or multiplying a value outside the argument of a function to the result of adding or multiplying a value inside the argument of a function, we'll need to understand how functions work and how they interact with variables and parameters.

When we talk about the argument of a function, we're referring to the value(s) that are passed into the function. This value can be a variable, a constant, or an expression. The function then performs certain operations on the argument to produce a result.

Let's start with adding a value outside the argument of a function. Consider the following function:

def add_value(x):
return x + 5

In this function, we're adding 5 to the argument `x` and returning the result. If we have a variable `num` with the value 10, and we call the function with `add_value(num)`, the result would be 15 (i.e., 10 + 5).

Now let's consider adding a value inside the argument of a function. Suppose we have the following function:

def add_value_inside(x):
return (x + 5) + 10

In this case, we're first adding 5 to the argument `x`, and then adding 10 to the result. If we call the function with `add_value_inside(num)`, the result would be 25 (i.e., (10 + 5) + 10).

So, adding a value outside the argument adds that value directly to the result, while adding a value inside the argument adds that value to the intermediate result before further operations are performed.

Now let's move on to multiplying a value outside and inside the argument of a function. Consider these two functions:

def multiply_value(x):
return x * 5

def multiply_value_inside(x):
return (x * 5) * 10

In the first function, we're multiplying the argument `x` by 5 and returning the result. If we have `num` with the value 10, and we call the function with `multiply_value(num)`, the result would be 50 (i.e., 10 * 5).

In the second function, we're first multiplying the argument `x` by 5, and then multiplying the result by 10. If we call the function with `multiply_value_inside(num)`, the result would be 500 (i.e., (10 * 5) * 10).

Similar to addition, multiplying a value outside the argument multiplies that value directly to the result, while multiplying a value inside the argument multiplies that value to the intermediate result before further operations are performed.

In summary, adding or multiplying a value outside the argument of a function directly affects the final result, while adding or multiplying a value inside the argument affects the intermediate result before further operations are performed.